A short story about Florence Reisch- Gentinetta and what led to write her book: "Expat Wife, Happy Life! The Journey of a Serial Expat." Florence is an Expat coach, author, and has been a serial expat for over 25 years. FLORENCE: First as a couple, then as a wife, then as the mother of two TCKs, I have experienced many changes in my life, which means many periods of transition. Some chosen, others not :) This life of adventures offered me to discover different countries, different cultures, to learn several languages and specially to meet many extraordinary people on my way. I naturally developed adaptation skills and really embraced this extraordinary nomadic life. What has nourished me during all these years is without a doubt the continuous renewal, the desire to discover more, to learn more and to meet new people with whom we have common interests. These motivations naturally led me to coaching studies. I wanted to share them, to help others to grow as I had the chance to do it myself. Thanks to my extremely encouraging entourage, I had the courage to write my first book which talks about my personal experiences, anecdotes, organization, education, challenges some easier than others, advice for a successful expatriate life. At the end of each chapter, I ask three coaching questions in order to invite my reader to ask himself the right questions, on the shared theme, with respect to his own experience. It is a positive, empathetic, non-judgmental book that encourages and motivates future and current expats to live this particular life to the fullest.
My 3 tips for future expatriates: Leaving on an expatriation is an important decision for both oneself and the company. A failed expatriation can have an extremely devastating impact on the employee and his/her family, as well as extremely high costs for the employer.
Tip #1: Think objectively about whether expatriation is the right choice for your personal, professional and family life. You have the right to refuse!
Tip #2: Go to the place, visit and feel the city. Visit schools, housing, do research on the internet and ask important questions on expatriate groups in the country.
Tip #3: The package is a negotiation: think about your needs and especially about those you are not ready to negotiate. You must leave satisfied with the proposal you are offered.

If you are a future expat, you will learn from expert. If you are a current expat, you will appreciate to see that you are not alone in experiencing all these different emotions that often look like a roller coaster. If you are a former expat, you will laugh and relate to so many stories. This book is a way for me to (re)connect with the expat world that I love so much. I really wanted to give back to this community a little of what it offered me. Interested in the book, take a look here. Enjoy your reading, One life, Live it!