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We (Marloes and Lonneke) are the authors and publishers of the Me and My Big Move workbook. We are designers, moms, friends, cousins and former colleagues. We are passionate about providing people simple tools and techniques to solve or talk about problems and to create the bigger picture. As visual thinkers we experience daily in our work that by drawing the conversation with others is much more effective than just talking. 

Two years ago, we both moved with our families. Lonneke moved to Seattle and Marloes to Taiwan. It was during those Big Moves with our kids that the journey of creating  the Me and My Big Move workbook, came to life!

"We would like to give every child and parent the opportunity to stay connected through life changing events like a Big Move." 

hi there!

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Marloes Huijsmans

Age: 42

Lives in: Taipei, Taiwan

Together with: Hubby Ernst, daughter Kaat (9) and son Kees (7)

I was born in: Tilburg, The Netherlands

My favorite place: The beach!

One day I would like to live in: Sydney, Bondi beach

I am a super hero at: Making drawings

I am learning to: Play tennis 

When I feel sad I: Visit the beach and go for a walk, or hug my kids. 

I am happy when: I can draw, play sports or go on adventures with my kids.

My biggest wish: That my drawings can help kids feel strong and confident!


van den  Elshout

Age: 41

Lives in: Bussum, Netherlands

Together with: Hubby Maarten, daughter Julotte (6) and son Thoas (4)

I was born in: Tilburg, The Netherlands

My favorite place: Amsterdam

One day I would like to live in: Tokyo 

I am a super hero at: being a tour guide for our visitors 

I am learning to: make Vlogs

When I feel sad I: I get on my bike and explore or I watch a feel good movie 

I am happy when: When the sun is out or when we go on a trip with our family. 

My biggest wish: That this workbook will help a lot of kids and eventually to give them a great keepsake.

voor de website plaatjes-LON.png

"We loved our journey of creating this amazing workbook together with all the experts.

Enjoy it as much as we did creating it! "

Marloes and Lonneke



The idea of the workbook years ago when Marloes experienced the impact of life changing events on her kids (5-7 years) multiple times. She discovered the power of drawing, exploring and playing together as powerful tools to talk to her kids and help them to regulate emotions and adjust.  Read her blog here. 


The start of... Me and My big move workbook

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